For long-term lease and valuation of island Ada Bojana  expected investment of about 200 million euros.

The government has an ambitious plan for this year’s privatization of state assets and the valuation was planning to sell or to lease six locations and companies in Ulcinj , among others Velika Plaza (Long Beach), Ada Bojana and Valdanos.

It is anticipated that through a public tender to sell 63.5 percent of “HTP Ulcinj Riviera” ,through the stock market, 9.8 percent of the shares of “HTP Velika plaza” and evaluation through public private partnerships for Velika Plaza (Long Beach) , Ada Bojana , Camp Neptune which is owned by Ulcinj Riviera, bay Valdanos and motels Shas with Vladimir economy .

Ada Bojana investment

However , when the investment comes to expect the valuation Long Beach through the development, construction , financing and management of exclusive tourist complexes and long term lease the land cost is at least three to four billion euros . It is also the largest total expected investment in this year,s privatization plan .

For long-term lease and valuation for island Ada Bojana is expected investment of about 200 million euros, and for the military resort Valdanos is expected investment of 212 million euros .


For beautiful Ulcinj’s sand beaches and previously was sought a leaseholder, as well as future lessee for Ada Bojana, 2008th The group mentioned was Arabian royal family of Abu Dhabi , and Hungarian company Trigranit with Peter Munk was interested in Long Beach .



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