Health Benefits of Swimming in the Sea of Ulcinj

Swimming offers something no other aerobic exercise does: the ability to work your body without harsh impact to your skeletal system. When the human body is submerged in water, it automatically becomes lighter.

When immersed to the waist, your body bears just 50 percent of its weight; you only have to bear 10 percent of your own weight. The other 90 percent is handled by the water.

This means that the sea provides an ideal place to work stiff muscles and sore joints, especially if you’re overweight or suffer from arthritis.
In its recommendation for the right types of exercise for people with arthritis, the Arthritis Foundation suggests those that stretch muscles, those that strengthen muscles, and those that provide an aerobic workout. A few laps in the sea or pool combine all three!

If the water is warm so much the better for arthritis sufferers, as the warm water can help loosen stiff joints. In fact, people with rheumatoid arthritis receive greater benefits to their health after participating in hydrotherapy than with other activities. It’s also been proven that water-based exercise improves the use of affected joints and decreases pain from osteoarthritis

Your Health and Swimming

Swimming is the second most popular sports activity in the world and a good way to get regular aerobic physical activity. Just a few hours per week of swimming in the Ulcinj’s sea can decrease the risk of chronic illnesses.


This can also lead to improved health for people with diabetes and heart disease Swimmers have about half the risk of death compared with inactive people People report enjoying water-based exercise more than exercising on land.

They can also exercise longer in water than on land without increased effort or joint or muscle pain.

Mental Health and Swimming

Swimming in the Sea of Ulcinj improves mental health. Swimming can improve mood in both men and women. For people with fibromyalgia, it can decrease anxiety and exercise therapy in warm water can decrease depression and improve mood. Swimming can improve the health of mothers and their unborn children and has a positive effect on the mothers’ mental health.

The health benefits of swimming don’t stop there. Swimming is an endurance sport, and as such one of the best cardiovascular exercises. Swimming exercise reduces your blood pressure, strengthens your heart and improves your aerobic capacity.

Back Pain and Swimming

It’s quite amazing how a few minutes of swimming in the sea water can be very helpful if you have problems with spondylosis, pain in the back or shoulder or arm from excessive sitting at a computer.

  • It can be practiced safely by elderly people.
  • Swimming can be practiced during the pregnancy.
  • It can be practiced as an alternative exercise for injured athletes.
  • It can be practiced by overweight people.
  • It can benefit people on a high blood pressure diet.