It's better to book online, UlcinjIn the beginning of August thousands of tourists flocked in Ulcinj and fill all private and hotel accommodation.
At current time was very difficult to find any quality accommodation.
I saw people with children suitcases and bags sweaty and worn that go from apartment to apartment to get a disappointingly answer, it’s all booked .
Those who where not lucky enough to find a place had to sleep in the fields or in the cars on the Long Beach to the next day and again started stressful search for accommodation .


It is inconceivable that today when there is plenty of websites that offers accommodation and one can in advance without any problems book hotel or an apartment online . Some tourists , venture into the unknown with the risk that when they arrive at the desired destination won’t find accommodation and will probably end up sleeping first night with their family on the street and in the end pick out anything with a high price just to get a roof over their heads.
Prices of accommodation immediately grow when everything is filled , and exhausted tourists often with street dealers go from apartment to apartment in a fruitless search for any accommodation at a temperature of 37- 40 degrees celsius .

Those that booked online do not have to face these problems, they just come in already reserved apartment, where already is all set and ready. All they have to do is to drop their luggages , unpack and they vacation has began . If you go for vacation than let that be a real vacation without any stress, unpleasant situation and loss of valuable time, let the vacation start from the minute you arrive on your desired destination .

The best practice would be to plan your vacation in advance and pre book accommodation online to avoid the arduous search for apartments in high temperatures .
There are plenty of websites that offer apartment accommodation nowadays , so it’s better to reserve in advance online but come and wander around and end up in a bad apartment in the background of the city where it is hard to come by car and where you are faraway from everything .


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